
The Victorious Christian Life
The writings here are to help the believer live in victory over sin, self, the devil and the world. All victory is accomplished by faith and is based upon our union with Christ in His death and resurrection.

The Body Life
The unity and the function of the body are explored here, as well as true Biblical Christian leadership. The reality of the body life is possible today if we follow God’s word and His Spirit.

The Judgment Seat of Christ, Rewards and the Kingdom
In these writings two great principles of truth are explored and contrasted: 1) Eternal Salvation by Grace through faith (apart from works), & 2) Reward According to Works.

Watch and Be Ready for the Coming of the Lord
Christ may come again at any moment, and signs indicate that His return is very near. Jesus warns believers that they must prepare for His coming.

Eternal Security
Here is the best writing that we know of concerning the eternal security of the believer.

Miscellaneous writings
Inspirational and informative Biblical articles are here to encourage and help the seeking Christian. Such great men of God as Andrew Murray, George Müller and Hudson Taylor are among the authors here.